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Senior Rowstart

If you are interested in joining the club and have not rowed previously you will have to go through our Rowstart course, next courses are planned for the summer.


Click here to complete interest form

The course is aimed at anyone aged 18+.  There are six 2 hour sessions in each course over 6 successive weeks. Courses will be held on weekday evenings and weekend afternoons. All courses will start in mid July.

Across the six weeks participants will be taught in small groups (maximum 8). They will begin in our training boats, complete with stabilisers, and learn the basics of the rowing stroke. Once confident, the stabilisers come off, and by the end of the course most will be getting into the racing boats and large crew boats.  Safety on the water is also covered in the course.

The course will be £150 with a heavily discounted rate for people in receipt of universal income.

To register your interest please fill in this form
If you have any questions please contact us at


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